A 12-Week Program To Monetize Your Calling & Magnetize Your Soulmate Clients

You Are Worthy Of A Business That Gives You Soulgasms


Client panel: Dropping wisdom bombs from their brilliance & sharing what it's like to be in Client Attraction Academy Community & Results Masterclass starts at 35 min in

Don’t you think you are worthy of a business that you find MEANINGFUL, FULFILLING AND GIVES YOU SOULGASMS?​Don't you think it's time to shift into RECEIVING mode and be RECEIVING the INCOME you deserve?If you’re dancing around the perimeters of your business (that you love and lights you up), but it’s operating more like a hobby, then it's time to go "all-in"!​What would happen if you BELIEVED FULLY IN YOURSELF AND YOUR GIFTS & ABILITIES?​What would happen if you got out of your own way and soulfully marketed, promoted, and sold your services?WHAT WOULD EMERGE from inside of you?​HOW WOULD YOUR LIFESTYLE & MONEY ZONE change?WHO WOULD YOU BECOME?


But they won't find you, until you show-up in a way that MAGNETIZES them to you.

When you embrace being FUN, BOLD & SEXY - in your unique way...

When you are confident in your branding, your marketing, your social media strategy, and how to speak and write to call-in your soulmate clients...

When you shift your mindset around money, and start charging for what you're really worth...

It is in that SWEET SPOT that your clients will be drawn to you, and be happy to pay you!

This Method gives you the confidence boost to activate your mindset to soulfully sell with ease, flow and joy!

Rise Up All Light Warriors Ready To Monetize Their Calling!

I'm calling all lightworkers, wayshowers, mystics, spiritual and personal development coaches & teachers, clinical therapists, heart- driven licensed professionals, naturopathic doctors, holistic nutritionists and healers!I KNOW you are on a SOUL MISSION.I KNOW you want to create an epic IMPACT in helping raise the collective consciousness.I KNOW you are here to AMPLIFY your GIFTS through your work.

And... in order to create the impact and INCOME you desire and deserve, you need to call-in your soulmate clients and monetise your calling.But there's a problem.Reality check!You're lacking confidence in marketing and sales​Your current "hope and pray" marketing method is stressful and you're not sure where your next client is coming from

​You don't have a social media strategy to magnetize clients to you

​Your B.S. is getting in the way of you SHOWING UP in a courageous and authentic way

You want to be seen as the "go to" expert in your niche, but you're so overwhelmed with all the "strategies" out there.But it's not your fault.You just haven't found a program that has truly aligned with your heart & your soul, to help you amplify your soul's purpose......Until Now!

You are in a $10 Billion Dollar Industry

And that's with a capital "B"!

The Personal Development Industry is a $10 Billion Industry.
People are spending their dollars on all things personal development!

So the question is:

Where are all the clients???!!!!

Let's Open Up Doorways For Your Soulmate Clients to Find You.

65% of businesses say generating traffic and leads is their biggest marketing challenge.
Social media is your most powerful gateway for attracting leads.


3.2 billion people use social media currently.

This means that social media has a global penetration of 45%.
There’s an abundance of opportunities for quality leads you are missing out on if you’re not using social media to market yourself.

The Client Attraction Academy will teach you exactly how to promote, market, and sell yourself in a SOULFUL way!

I will be teaching you the exact strategies I use to generate $20,000+ months consistently... and my inner circle clients are are reaching financial breakthroughs (more on their success stories below.)

Hello Love!

I'm Rosalyn Fung...

I want to show you how to SIMPLIFY marketing & sales ...As an AKASHIC VISIBILITY BUSINESS COACH, specializing in CLIENT ATTRACTION & SOULFUL SALES...

I was a former registered psychologist for 11 years in private practice, and as a clinician, we don’t go to “business school” to learn how to create a successful business and promote ourselves.I had to learn it on my own, making many mistakes long the way.

I started to make 6 figures after 2.5 years... started as a provisional psychologist in the process of becoming registered which includes studying, being supervised and hours of clinical practice so I could write a national exam, defend myself in front of a panel of psychologist and achieving a certain amount of clinical hours.

AND I NEVER worked full time in my life- ever!I was trailblazing to sell my programs, as a clinical therapist- and I HAD TO GET OVER FEELING SALESY.

I took the leap of faith, and started my coaching business 3 years ago- part time, as a SELF LOVE PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT COACH.Then I quickly attracted entrepreneurs who wanted me to teach them the mindset and business strategies to sell.

That’s when my SHIFT HAPPENED AND I BEGAN TO SEE MY DEEPER GIFTS OF LEADING other Leaders and influencers.This lead me to develop The Client Attraction Academy.

Don't just take my word for it.

The FUN, BOLD, SEXY method has had incredible results for my clients.Check-out these client love stories...I helped a client triple her monthly income, while she raised her 3 young kids and
hubby worked out of town.

​I helped a clinical therapist learn how to shift back into her power and embrace all her gifts, so she was ATTRACTING SOULMATE CLIENTS AND COLLABORATIONS.

I helped clients go from taking their business from part time “hobby” to successful full time business.


I am inviting you to see my own PERSONAL METHOD OF MONETIZING YOUR CALLING to take your coaching business to new heights!

The Trifecta For Client Attraction & Soulful Sales

The FUN, BOLD, SEXY trifecta is the foundation of your client attraction superpowers.

What Is The Client Attraction Academy? Simple Soulful Selling To Magnetize Your Soulmate Clients

The Client Attraction Academy is a 12-week group coaching program, where you will increase your visibility, magnetize your soulmate clients using social media, and master the art of the Discovery Call... so you can soulfully call-in clients and monetize on your calling.

The primary "lead generation" strategies I teach in the Academy are free using the power of social media!

The Academy includes a unique combination of live video Q&A coaching, on-demand training videos, and the group container to keep you accountable and breaking through to your next level.


Rosalyn helped me distill what I do into a marketable message to call in my soulmate clients & I made $100K in my first year in business!

- Aurora Light,

Joy Alchemist & Soul Embodiment Guide

Roz helped me take my in person practice online, understand how to leverage social media and I closed 12 clients into my group coaching program.

- Monica Ramirez

Multidimensional Therapist & Channeler

Roz helped me get over imposter syndrome, raise my rates by more than 60%, and turned on my client and money flow! I closed 7 high ticketed 1:1 VIP clients in less than 4 weeks!

- Dr. Mariam Tashkandi

The Next 12-Weeks Could Transform Your Business

  • Learn to THINK like a CEO WARRIOR

  • Lead yourself and your tribe from your sacred truth

  • Gain clarity on your soul's purpose, and how it translates into your business

  • Unlock your personal brand magic

  • Identify who your ideal soulmate client is

  • Craft your messaging that positions you as the go-to expert

  • ​Establish business structures and systems with flow

  • Create, package and price your very own sexy signature system

  • Implement content marketing that is aligned with your authentic voice

  • Develop your ​Sacred Sales Mindset, and Master the Soulful "Close" on Discovery Calls

Heck yeah, Rosalyn! I need this!


"Rosalyn was like my flashlight in the dark."

"I met Rosalyn when I needed her most.

I was a brand new Momma trying to figure out how to return to my business. I felt stuck, confused and had no idea where or how to begin.

Rosalyn was like my flashlight in the dark. My guide on Mount Everest. What once felt impossible finally seemed achievable.

Not only did she help me build my business, she helped me rebuild myself. She helped guide me in rediscovering my values in this new stage of my life.

I now feel more confident than I ever have. I’ve removed the “perfection mask” that I hid behind for many years. I’m now living out my passion.

I’ve created a supportive community for Women just like me, and I have the tools to assist them in their journey by using my specific gifts and talents - that Roz helped me rediscover; and I now develop & facilitate programs that generate a consistent monthly income.

I’m forever thankful to the Universe for bringing Rosalyn into my life. She’s an amazing coach & friend. "

- Alli MacKenzie, Women Empowerment Coach

The Curriculum


Week 1 Warrior Foundation – Meet your Inner Warrior (BEINGNESS) Meet Your Inner Warrior Foundation It’s time to think like a CEO of your business, and it starts with your BEING. Discover how to embody thinking like the version of your future CEO Warrior and operate from this next level mindset to prepare yourself to call in soulmate clients with ease.

Week 2 Warrior Business Foundation – Soul Purpose Unlock your personal brand magic by getting SOUL connected to your deepest purpose, so that your purpose becomes your fuel to ignite your business to the next level. You will have expansive clarity of your WHY so that you can communicate it to draw in your soulmate clients.
Week 3 Clarity On Who Your Soulmate Client Is Let’s take the warrior sword of discernment to get laser clear on who your soulmate client is, so you can truly communicate to them in a way that positions you as the go-to expert for them.
Week 4 Warrior Business Foundation -Structure & Systems Design a firm business foundation where you have a structure and systems are in place to allow for scaling, your own SIGNATURE SYSTEM so that you are confident about your path to achieve your big vision dream lifestyle.


Week 5 Warrior Magnetism: Confidently Owning Your Gifts Let’s create, package and price your very own sexy signature system that integrates your strengths, passions and results you give your clients.

Week 6 Your Warrior Story It’s time to gain clarity of your own story that will get your soulmate client to stop the social media scrolling, and feel immediately connected to you.

Week 7 Warrior Content Marketing Elevate your social media communication game with a big picture intentional marketing strategy that is aligned with your authentic voice. Confidently implement content marketing strategies, so that your soulmate client feels empowered to buy from you.

Week 8 Sexy Money Mindset It’s time to receive soulful energetic exchange of your gifts, talents and services in the form of financial abundance! Take your money mindset to think like your CEO Warrior Self, so that you can call in and receive money with ease, flow and joy!


Week 9

Post Selfies and FB LIVES like a Bold Sexy Warrior! It’s time to be courageously bold and turn up the volume on leveraging social media with selfies and video with fun and confidence! It’s all about being in the energy of confidence!

Week 10
Show up on Brand Level up with your personal brand image in person and online, so that how you show up on social media in images, selfies, video, as well as in-person events leaves an extraordinary impression.

Week 11
Mastering Discovery Calls like a Warrior Establish a CEO Warrior Sacred Sales Mindset when it comes to closing soulmate clients on discovery calls, without feeling icky, sales-pressurey, or disgenuine.

Week 12
Warrior Business Integration & next level VISIBILITY Whoohoo! You’re a true Bold Sexy Warrior! This week is all about integration and embodiment of all modules in mind, body and soul. I will share with you advanced tools and resources to implement as your business grows for more ease and flow, to scale your business even further.

"I was able to make three times my investment back"

I was so excited to be in Rosalyn‘s group coaching program. I loved all the modules and the group camaraderie.

But when she offered to give me a VIP session I was hesitant because of the price. I had never invested that much in my business for one on one coaching.

After taking her VIP session, I was able to make three times my investment back. She gave me so much specific guidance and then more follow up support than I even expected! Thank you Rosalyn!
Rebecca Whitman,Success Mentor, Speaker, Author & Host of Balanced, Beautiful & Abundant Podcast

Awarded #1 Life Coach by IAOTP

These CEO Warriors Monetized Their Purpose...

What You Get

12 weeks of bi-weekly live group mastermind calls with Rosalyn (Value $10,000)

Eliminate months of over-thinking and wasting time.

The group calls are designed to deepen your connection with your sacred responsibility, ask clarifying questions, and get coached by me on the spot. Gain the clarity you need to take inspired action and launch with confidence.

Lifetime Access to the Client Attractor Academy Content (Value $6,888)

This is your "real life Magnetic Business" on demand! The training videos will activate your super-powers and amplify your confidence so you can continue to soulfully sell and grow your business.

Recorded Video Group Q & A Sessions on Social Media Strategies To Reach Next Level As A Confident Warrior CEO (Value $555.00) Business

Take your superpowers from good to great! We will dive into becoming confident in all things content marketing: social media algorithms, live videos, selfies, and written posts. Master your money mindset. Make sales sacred.

Total Value: $17,443

Plus these soulgasmic bonuses!



Your vibe attracts your tribe!

You are the average of the 5-people you hang out with the most.

It's time to up-level your community and start associating with other Bold Sexy Warriors with the same values and aspirations as you!

Value $2,000


Secrets to Authentically Turning Strangers to Leads Online

My step by step method to support you to get connected with potential soulmate clients energetically to call them in.

You will discover practical strategies:

~Where to meet strangers turned leads

~How to approach them authentically

~What to say to them to build rapport

~How to get them to be magnetized to you with fun, flow & ease

Value $222.00



You need to write so you soulmate clients stop the scroll.

I will show you step-by-step the tips and tricks to do just so.

Value $297.00


But your investment is a small fraction of this! I want to make this a "no-brainer" decision for you.

"I tripled my income in less than 6-months!"

"Rosalyn helped me develop not only personally but professionally. She took my "why" and systematized it into a scalable business so that I still have time and energy for myself, my husband, and our three young kids.

Rosalyn helped me connect emotionally with my prospects and clients and as a result, I tripled my monthly income in less than 6 months... and I'm making the impact I want to make with people!"

- Wena McLelland, Personal Trainer of Warrior Fitness

This program is for you IF

You Want To Live Without Apologies Or Regrets

​You Are An Action Taker Who Doesn’t Have Time To Waste Because Life Is Just Too Short

You're Struggling With Clearly Communicating Who You Are Or What You Do

​You Want To Attract Clients That Pay You What You Are Worth With No Hesitation

​You Want To Fire Your Boss Instead Of Waiting On Retirement

This is not for you if...

You still want your fear and limiting beliefs holding you back, particularly around increasing your visibility, putting yourself out there, money mindset & selling

The idea of monetizing on your calling and achieving a lifestyle you desire scares you too much

You don’t like being held accountable for your time and actions

Y​ou aren’t willing to experiment with

Heck yeah Rosalyn! I'm READY to activate my Client Attraction Superpowers & Be A CEO Warrior!

I believe in synchronicity. Don't you?

There are no accidents in life.Especially when it comes to divine connections.

If you are still reading this page, then I believe that you and I were meant to meet.

I believe that you have a sacred responsibility - far bigger than what you're currently creating.

You were made for more. You are meant to have a significant impact on the planet.

And you are meant to experience financial abundance and freedom.I believe that you deserve to have it all!

The next 12-weeks could change the trajectory of your life... for the better!

Step into BEING the CEO of your business, your calling, and your life

Get out of your own way and soulfully self-promote to call-in your soulmate clients

​Package, position, and price your services and programs so that you earn what you're worth

Set-up the business structures and systems to be the spiritual boss that you are

Master the art of the Discovery Call and close new clients with ease and confidence

​Leverage the power of social media as a free lead-generation tool to get new clients on with ease

​Shift your money mindset to earning, receiving, and keeping money with abundance

Okay, my love.It's time to go "all in" on yourself, on your soul's calling, and on your business.

It's time to finally learn the skills, the mindsets, and the systems to magnetize your clients online, so you can have the impact and income you desire and deserve.

Trust yourself.


© 2023 Rosalyn Fung