Akashic Records
Soul Coaching
Think of the Akashic Records as your soul’s library – records of your soul that includes all past lives.
You can also have access to the akashic records of your business, your pet, your home (yep, they all have their own energetic records! So cool right!?)
It is accessing God Consciousness (non-religion), where I have the ability to channel messages from your Angels, known as Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones.
Masters are the angels with you all your life, Teachers are angels with you for specific lessons and Loved Ones are people who you knew in your current life, including souls from miscarriages, that have crossed over.
They have wisdom and guidance aligned with your Highest Self and your soul purpose to share with you.
Honestly, anyone who is open to tuning into what messages and guidance their Spiritual team has for them.
If you’re feeling unclear, blocked or experiencing some kind of internal or external pain/conflict about what to do about some area of your life such as a relationship, health, business, your pet, and needing guidance on some major life decisions – the records can give you a different perspective.
If you’re CURIOUS and want to just know about your past lives and who you were, which often explain why you are the way you are today, the relationships you choose, any common challenging patterns that arise (If you ask yourself, “why is this happening again?”) – the records can help address this.
If you’re wanting CONFIRMATION of your SOUL PURPOSE and path, the records will do just this for you. This is great if you're in business and need some clarity and confirmation of your direction!